常見問題 FAQ
Q. 哪些對象可以使用住宿服務? Who can use accommodation services?
A. 住宿部不對外營業,服務對象以本校教職員警工生(含眷屬親友)、退休教職員工、校友、貴賓為主,請於預約時上傳必要文件,以利審查。
The accommodation department is not open to the public, and its service targets are mainly faculty, staff, police students (including family members and friends), retired faculty and staff, alumni, and distinguished guests. Please upload the necessary documents when making an appointment to facilitate review.
Q. 什麼時候可以辦理預約? 如何使用預約服務?
When can I make an appointment? How to use the appointment service?
A. 住宿部已全面改採線上預約及繳款服務,請於住房7日前完成線上預約及付款,恕不提供電話預約服務。
The accommodation department has fully switched to online reservation and payment services. Please complete online reservation and payment 7 days in advance. Telephone reservation services will not be provided.
Q. 為何我想要住房的日期,沒有出現在預約表單上面?
Why doesn't the date I want housing appear on the reservation form?
A. 可能的原因是: (1) 已達當日預約人數上限;(2)當日未提供預約服務。
The possible reasons are: (1) The maximum number of reservations for the day has been reached; (2) No reservation service is provided on the day.
Q. 線上預約表單送出後就算預約完成嗎?
Will the reservation be considered completed after the online reservation form is sent?
A. 填妥線上預約表單僅代表住宿部已收到您的預約申請,仍要經過審查→繳費→收到預約完成Email通知等程序,才算是預約完成。
Completing the online reservation form only means that the accommodation department has received your reservation application. The reservation must still go through the review → payment → receipt of the reservation completion email notification and other procedures before the reservation is completed.
Q. 預約完成後,我想要取消預約,應如何處理? 會退款嗎?
After the reservation is completed, I want to cancel it, what should I do? Will there be a refund?
A. 取消預約應注意:
Please note when canceling an appointment:
(1) 取消住宿請洽本部服務台辦理,致電07-5252000分機5920辦理預約取消服務;或得以Email提出申請,並請務必確認已完成取消。退款所生手續費,將由客戶自行負擔。
To cancel your stay, please contact the service desk of our headquarters and call 07-5252000 extension 5920 to handle the reservation cancellation service; or you can submit an application via email, and be sure to confirm that the cancellation has been completed. The handling fee for refund will be borne by the customer.
If applied 3 days in advance, the full cleaning management fee will be refunded.
(3) 2日前辦理者,退還50%清潔管理費
If applied 2 days in advance, 50% of the cleaning management fee will be refunded
(4) 當日取消或未入住者,恕不退費且以自動放棄論。
Cancellations or no-shows on the same day will not be refunded and will be considered an automatic waiver.
Q. 線上繳費方式有哪些? 我可以現場付費嗎?
What are the online payment methods? Can I pay on site?
A. 目前提供ATM轉帳、信用卡、銀行、超商等繳費方式,現場無收取現金服務。
Currently, payment methods such as ATM transfer, credit card, bank, and supermarket are available. There is no cash collection service on site.
Q. 什麼是半自助式服務? What is semi-self-service?
A. 服務項目如下: The service items are as follows:
(1) 住房程序: 為提供更便捷的住房服務,所有入住/退房程序皆採自助方式,由房客於入住當日下午3時後自行取鑰(應先取得密碼箱取鑰密碼),並於隔日上午11時前將鑰匙投入回收箱,完成退房程序。
Check-in procedures: In order to provide more convenient check-in services, all check-in/check-out procedures are self-service. Guests can pick up the key by themselves after 3:00 pm on the day of check-in (the password for the lock box should be obtained first), and at 11:00 am the next day Put the key into the recycling bin before completing the check-out process.
(2) 洗衣烘衣服務: 住宿部設有投幣式洗衣機/烘衣機,請自備零錢多加利用。
Laundry and drying service: There are coin-operated washing machines/dryers in the accommodation, so please bring your own change for extra use.
(3) 盥洗用品自助取用。Toiletries are available for self-service.
Q. 我需要清潔服務。I need cleaning services.
A. 住宿部房務清潔時間為週一至週五7:30-11:30起至12:30-16:30(不含國定假日),因此房客住宿日期如跨週六、週日、國定假日等,恕不提供清潔服務。
The cleaning time of the accommodation department is from 7:30-11:30 to 12:30-16:30 from Monday to Friday (excluding national holidays). Therefore, if the guest's accommodation date spans Saturday, Sunday, national holidays, etc., No cleaning service is provided.
Q. 如需要專人服務,怎麼辦? What should I do if I need professional service?
A. 房客或貴賓如有專人服務需求,請於週一至週五(不含國定假日)9:00-12:00、13:30-16:30寄Emai或臨櫃或是致電07-525000轉5920;或是善用網頁「意見回饋」頁面提出需求。
If tenants or VIPs need dedicated service, please send it via email or at the counter from Monday to Friday (excluding national holidays) 9:00-12:00, 13:30-16:30 or call 07-525000 extension 5920; Or make good use of the "Feedback" page on the website to raise your needs.
Q. 我預定住房日如遇政府宣布停班停課該怎麼辦?可以取消嗎?還是可以入住?
What should I do if the government announces the suspension of classes and classes on the day I reserve accommodation? Can I cancel it? Can I still check in?
A. 因本校位置靠山臨海,遇風強雨大時恐有長浪、樹木倒塌等危險,為保障所有房客的安全,如遇高雄政府宣布高雄停班停課,當日不可辦理入住,住宿部會主動為您取消並全額退費。
Because our school is located near the mountains and the sea, there may be dangers such as long waves and fallen trees when there are strong winds and rains. To ensure the safety of all guests, if the Kaohsiung government announces the suspension of classes in Kaohsiung, check-in will not be possible on that day, and the accommodation department will take the initiative to cancel for you. And get a full refund.
If the Kaohsiung City Government has not announced the suspension of classes, but the local government of the guest's area has announced the closure of classes and classes and therefore cannot check in, please contact the accommodation department proactively and we will cancel the stay and provide a full refund.